Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a holistic system of medicine that began about 3,500 years ago in China. This rich tradition encompasses acupuncture, herbal medicine, food therapy, moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, tui na (medical massage), and exercise such as Tai Qi and Qi Gong. This method of healing is holistic in that it doesn't just treat disease, it treats the whole person by combining Mind, Body, and Spirit. Therefore, all aspects of a person including the physical, emotional, and spiritual are addressed.
Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine, disposable, stainless steel needles at specific points on the surface of the skin. Acupuncture influences and balances the physiological functioning of the body by freeing one's Qi or "life force". It is a safe method of promoting and maintaining one's health. The best results can be achieved when treatments are received regularly. Rather than a quick fix, it should be viewed as a lifestyle change, like eating healthy, or regular exercise. Acupuncture can also be done in conjunction with electro-stimulation. A technique where small electrical currents are passed through acupuncture needles to add additional stimulation to acupuncture points. It has been shown to decrease pain, accelerate tissue healing, and significantly reduce inflammation.
Chinese Herbal Medicine is personalized to the specific needs of each patient. Chinese Herbs can support the immune system, treat various conditions, and provide beneficial nutrients. They can be used externally (applied topically) or internally (ingested). In Chinese Medicine, many foods are used for their therapeautic properties which is known as Food Therapy.
Moxibustion or "Moxa" is a technique in which the Chinese herb Ai Ye is used to warm an acupuncture point, a needle, or a meridian. Moxa is used effectively in the treatment of debilitating conditions such as arthritis and pain.
Cupping is a technique where the use of suction is applied to increase circulation in an affected area. Cupping is used for many conditions, including sore muscles, tension, back, shoulder, and neck pain, the common cold, and influenza.
Gua Sha is a technique which involves a round-edged instrument that gently scrapes or rubs the skin of the upper back, neck, or chest. It promotes normal circulation and enhances metabolic processes. It is valuable in the treatment of pain, upper respiratory and digestive problems, and many acute or chronic disorders.
Tui Na is a traditional system of Chinese style medical massage. Often used in conjunction with acupuncture, it uses kneading, pressing, rolling and stretching of the body. Tui Na is used to regulate Qi and blood flow, and improve the function of tendons, bones, and joints. It also relieves muscle pain, tension, and inflammation.